Your research
How to begin your journey into the past
Explore your topic
Explore our collections through articles, blog posts or detailed research guides into the topics you are interested in.How we manage our collections
How we look after the collections held at The London Archives is important to us all. It can include some of the obvious issues we face, like physical collections care - looking after damaged, frail and important documents - but also covers the way we talk about and present the information we hold and how we manage access to the collections from a legal standpoint, including both Data protection and Freedom of information legislation. Find out how we tackle some of the issues we face.

Decolonising and diversifying our collections
Broadening the margins of history
The London Archives (TLA) is committed to understanding and addressing the legacies of discrimination and colonialism that are embedded within our collections, practices, and institutional history. Here we set out how we are approaching this.
Our Work
Collections Care
Archive conservation at The London Archives
Discover the work of our Collections Care team and the services they offer.
About Us
Policies and plans
Preserving and sharing London's archives
Read our policy documents and the City of London Corporation Corporate PlanResearch guidance

Adoption and In-care records
How to access records
Find out about Adoption and in care collections held at The London Archives, and how to arrange access to these records
Research Guide
Research guides
In depth research guidance
Detailed research guides can help you get to grips with your chosen subject and find out how to get the most out of our collections